FieLDTRiP!!! ;p
went to matabunkay beach for our fieldtrip slash fieldwork for ecology lab ;p had to leave school at 2am so we decided not to sleep the night before. we met instead at around 6 pm to go to eastwood. watched junno's band outside for a while (dami tao eh ;p) then went to the supermarket to buy our baons and stuff for the trip. then we headed back to cheann's house to kill the time.
the fieldtrip was ok...not that very enjoyable because we had to do schoolwork ;p hehe and the fieldtrip will only last until 5pm on the same day...bitin. but had fun anyways. here are some pics we took before going home ;p
girls ni kevin ;p

2 mermaids...nawawala yun isa ;p

Block L1 :)

onga eh...sabi nga ng cuz ko sayang ;p nakakainis kung may injured haha. there's still next time! ;p pwede pa sila manalo...or LA lakers pwede rin hahaha
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